
Besides the animated NFT set, the computer generated set will total 12,000 over the course of seven drops.

The value proposition in having a computer generated set is that many more people can buy from this collection which will help drive its value as we’ll see below.

Value that Meets Demand

If you read Organic Wealth, you will learn that wealth is created by providing value that meets market demand. With this truth in mind, this collection will increase in value as we provide additional value that meets demand.

The ‘we’ includes the individual buyers and me — Donald Ax, the project’s creator.

Buyer: If you purchase these NFTs, you must do your part to add value to meet future demand. You can do this by telling people you know to read the book, Organic Wealth. Lend them your copy if that’s what it takes.

The greater the book’s success, the greater the success is for this NFT Collection. The two go hand in hand. You can also leave reviews at Amazon, Goodreads and other marketplaces to inspire people you don't know.

If the book is worthy of promotion based on its own merit, then it’s an easy thing to do. With each buyer doing their small part, this collection will become more valuable. 

Project: To support your efforts in recommending the book, I will produce more content. This means quality NFTs and other published works outside the NFT space but with additional NFTs created for this collection. The next book will be for an international audience and I’m hoping to have a real publisher that can distribute it worldwide.

Organic Wealth was self-published. Therefore, it needs word of mouth so many people can read it. If OW is a success, a book publisher would enthusiastically take on the international version.

As we all provide additional value, the book will be read by many and the collection will grow in popularity.


Purchase Organic Wealth

Amazon - Paperback and eBook